Wrong transaction


The blockchain is irreversible, and the address is wrong and cannot be retrieved.

what could i do in this case?

Nothing can be done unless you can find the holder of the receiving address.

the receiver address is not yours?

HTML ik verstuurde bnb bep20 en zei heeft haar core coin adress voor me gestuurd dus het is op een verkeerde netwerk over gemaakt kan ze ook een bnb bep 20 onder die adress maken kan ze het wel nog ontvangen?

HTML yes but that person expected bnb bep20 and but she sent me a core coin address so that address belongs to someone of mine if she has a core coin address how can it be straightened out?

You ask the other party to import the private key/mnemonic of the core address into the BSC public chain in the TP wallet, and then he can view the assets in the BSC chain wallet.

use the private key words of the receiver address to import in the BNB chain, then you can see the BNB.

Ok i will try it

Ok i will try it