Community Content Specifications

Inappropriate content

This service does not allow:

  • Content that harasses, bullies, or is hateful. Published content cannot promote hatred or incite violence against individuals or groups based on ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Text, images, videos, or links cannot include slurs or derogatory epithets about protected groups. Content cannot be used to harass or bully individuals, including direct physical threats or exposure of private information that could be used to carry out implied threats.
  • Content that disparages a person, place, or thing, or that would likely make the reader or listener upset or angry.
  • Content that contains obscene, profane, or offensive language or gestures.
  • Content that promotes or encourages violence, or that graphically depicts injuries, abuse of humans or animals, or violent acts. Additionally, content that’s likely to shock or disgust is not permitted.
  • Sexually suggestive or sexually explicit content. Images or video published on this service should not include nudity or sex acts. Content cannot include profanity, slang terms that are sexually graphic and offensive, terms that are common signals for pedophilia, content that promotes pedophilia, bestiality, sexual violence, or content that promotes escort services or other services that may be interpreted as providing sexual acts in exchange for compensation. Links to adult content are not permitted.