Announcements of TPT DAO Vault in October

Announcement 1: The Foundation has injected 25% of October income of Transit Swap into the DAO vault, including 37310.57USDT, 24.11BNB, 20545.59TRX, 0.56ETH, 39.33HT, 144.23MATIC and 4.72OKT, which values about 55,903.39USDT. For the convenience of statistics, we transfered to the BSC account in the form of USDT. The use of DAO vault funds is determined by TPT DAO, and subsequent proposal applications can be initiated.

Announcement 2: Until October 2021, the LOGO section of TokenPocket wallet has received a total of 1,057,433.3684 TPT donations, which are now transferred to BSC, HECO and OEC accounts of TPT DAO vault at one time. The use of DAO vault funds is determined by TPT DAO, and subsequent proposal applications can be initiated.

Address of DAO vault on each chain :
ETH: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
BSC: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
MATIC: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
HECO: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
OEC: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
HSC: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
TRON: TMPKq4P49oKRqn4Apec7asSnz682Dj4Bip
EOS: tptdonation1

1 个赞

一个月logo 100万个 3000看来还是便宜了 应该5000


上个月是几个月积累的 这次100万个就是一个月的




公告1:Transit finance Foundation将Transit Swap 10月份收入的25%注入到DAO vault中,包括37310.57USDT、24.11BNB、20545.59TRX、0.56ETH、39.33HT、144.23MATIC和4.72OKT,价值约55903.39 usdt。为了方便统计,我们以USDT的形式转入BSC账户。DAO保险库资金的使用由TPT DAO决定,可以启动后续的提案应用程序。

公告2:截至2021年10月,TokenPocket钱包LOGO部分共收到1057433.3684 TPT捐款,现一次性转入TPT DAO vault的BSC、HECO和OEC账户。DAO保险库资金的使用由TPT DAO决定,可以启动后续的提案应用程序。

ETH: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
BSC: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
MATIC: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
HECO: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
OEC: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
HSC: 0x5f80670522f999e56310E0f3f8BBb5b0348B1EC8
TRON: TMPKq4P49oKRqn4Apec7asSnz682Dj4Bip
EOS: tptdonation1

1 个赞



基金会的TPT什么时候进入dao 金库,这都马上要12月了,111月底到了欧