How to add Crust Mainnet Token on TokenPocket Wallet

How to add Crust Mainnet Token on TokenPocket Wallet

TokenPocket​:thread: now supports Crust Mainnet CRU, and we welcome community users to use TP wallet to manage their assets.

TP Wallet Official Website:

The tutorial for adding the Crust mainnet is as follows:

  1. Click “Manage Wallet”

  1. Click “More Options” in the bottom left corner

  1. Scroll down to “Add Custom Network”.

4)Fill in the corresponding information on this page

Network Series: Polkadot Series

Network Name: Crust Network

Node Link RPC: wss://

SS58: 66

Init parameters:


“types”: {

“AccountInfo”: “AccountInfoWithProviders”,

“Address”: “AccountId”,

“AddressInfo”: “Vec”,

“LookupSource”: “AccountId”,

“EraBenefits”: {

“total_fee_reduction_quota”: “Compact”,

“total_market_active_funds”: “Compact”,

“used_fee_reduction_quota”: “Compact”,

“active_era”: “Compact”


“FundsType”: {

“_enum”: [





“FundsUnlockChunk”: {

“value”: “Compact”,

“era”: “Compact”


“MarketBenefit”: {

“total_funds”: “Compact”,

“active_funds”: “Compact”,

“used_fee_reduction_quota”: “Compact”,

“file_reward”: “Compact”,

“refreshed_at”: “Compact”,

“unlocking_funds”: “Vec<FundsUnlockChunk>”


“SworkBenefit”: {

“total_funds”: “Compact”,

“active_funds”: “Compact”,

“total_fee_reduction_count”: “u32”,

“used_fee_reduction_count”: “u32”,

“refreshed_at”: “Compact”,

“unlocking_funds”: “Vec<FundsUnlockChunk>”


“ETHAddress”: “Vec”,

“EthereumTxHash”: “H256”,

“Lock”: {

“total”: “Compact”,

“last_unlock_at”: “BlockNumber”,

“lock_type”: “LockType”


“LockType”: {

“delay”: “BlockNumber”,

“lock_period”: “u32”


“FileInfo”: {

“file_size”: “u64”,

“spower”: “u64”,

“expired_at”: “BlockNumber”,

“calculated_at”: “BlockNumber”,

“amount”: “Compact”,

“prepaid”: “Compact”,

“reported_replica_count”: “u32”,

“replicas”: “Vec<Replica>”


“Replica”: {

“who”: “AccountId”,

“valid_at”: “BlockNumber”,

“anchor”: “SworkerAnchor”,

“is_reported”: “bool”,

“created_at”: “Option”


“Guarantee”: {

“targets”: “Vec<IndividualExposure<AccountId, Balance>>”,

“total”: “Compact”,

“submitted_in”: “EraIndex”,

“suppressed”: “bool”


“ValidatorPrefs”: {

“guarantee_fee”: “Compact”


“Group”: {

“members”: “BTreeSet”,

“allowlist”: “BTreeSet”


“IASSig”: “Vec”,

“Identity”: {

“anchor”: “SworkerAnchor”,

“punishment_deadline”: “u64”,

“group”: “Option”


“ISVBody”: “Vec”,

“MerkleRoot”: “Vec”,

“ReportSlot”: “u64”,

“PKInfo”: {

“code”: “SworkerCode”,

“anchor”: “Option”


“SworkerAnchor”: “Vec”,

“SworkerCert”: “Vec”,

“SworkerCode”: “Vec”,

“SworkerPubKey”: “Vec”,

“SworkerSignature”: “Vec”,

“WorkReport”: {

“report_slot”: “u64”,

“spower”: “u64”,

“free”: “u64”,

“reported_files_size”: “u64”,

“reported_srd_root”: “MerkleRoot”,

“reported_files_root”: “MerkleRoot”




Default Token Symbol: CRU

After the above information is completed, click “Save” to confirm.

  1. After saving, you can see the Crust Network in the TP wallet.

  1. You can import or create a Crust wallet from this page.

Please note: If you create an account in Crust apps without a backup Mnemonic

phrase, you cannot import this account. However, you can create a new account in TP wallet, and transfer the assets on Crust apps to the new account.