Tp wallets monies disappear

My 2 TP wallets usd $ disappear in front of me.I never give any password or approve any transaction.Admin can help me recover my wallets.Urgent.

You authorized this, and the authorization was stolen. Unable to retrieve, found inside the search coin to revoke the authorization.

Cancel malicious authorization, please act now! See the article on deauthorization.

How to cancel I have never authorised or approve anything.It just disappear in front of Me.Please help me to solve this issue

Have you been authorized to scan the code and have been authorized to sell for free airdrop? It is very likely to be maliciously authorized, please describe clearly what happened, so that you can make judgments

Cancel malicious authorization, please act now! See the article on deauthorization

So from coin tool this one show usdt transfer authorisation should I press confirm as show approve .Hesitate to press as here put approve confirm.

1st step is it press all revoke?
2nd step on red has to press ?
3rd come to just now I show the picture when I press all revoke show the confirm.Should I press?
Please advise

ture yes

You mean I must press confirm.Mean allow transfer authorization

YES, 。

The stolen USDT can not be recovered, so we can only cancel the authorization to prevent it from being stolen.

the best solution is giving up this address